

Kieron & Laura
Lead Pastors
Our Lead Pastors are passionate about relationship and connection with God and with people.
They have a desire to see all people grasp the truth about their identity as sons and daughters of God, and walk fully into the destiny that God the Father speaks over their lives.
They love to raise leaders who passionately seek and serve God and extend the kingdom.
Jordan & Becky
Worship Pastors
Our Worship Pastors are committed to leading us to a place of awe and reverence at the feet of our Holy God, seeking His face, listening to His voice and pursuing a deep, intimate connection with our God who longs for relationship with us.
They encourage unique and creative expressions of worship and really value spontaneous moments of pouring out our hearts to God. It’s in those heart to heart moments as we encounter Him that we are forever changed!
Community Lead
Michelle has a passion for the community around us to see and feel the love of Jesus through all of us here at Catch the Fire Manchester.
She is working to build connection with other groups, charities and organisations within Trafford to help develop outreach events and opportunities that meet the needs and desires of those we meet daily.
Our Values

Our Story
Our lead pastors, Kieron and Laura, heard the call to plant churches in 2007 when they were at the Catch The Fire School of Ministry in Toronto. The Lord called them out as church planters and pioneers in the kingdom. As a step of faith they pursued an internship with Duncan and Kate Smith, The Presidents of Catch The Fire Partners. As part of their year with Duncan and Kate, they were involved in the early stages of the first Catch the Fire church plant in Raleigh, North Carolina. After their time in Toronto and Raleigh they moved back to their home church in the North West of England where they worked as youth and young adult pastors under Rick Oldland, who was the European Coordinator for Partners In Harvest.
Catch the Fire Church Manchester was birthed in Kieron and Laura’s hearts in September 2014. God spoke to them saying, “it’s time to pick up what you put down”. It was clear to Kieron and Laura that it was time for them to pursue the call to pioneer church planting. In 2015 they moved their family to Manchester to launch Catch The Fire Manchester. The Lord has surrounded them with an amazing family of believers, hungry to see God’s will outworked in Manchester.
The vision for the church is to create community that impacts the community. We are a family of believers that love the presence of God and eagerly pursue encounter with Him. We are a family of sons and daughters that have been so radically impacted by the love of God the Father for us, that we manifest His goodness into every sphere of influence that God has placed us.

What We Believe
We believe in the resurrection of every person, to eternal life for the believer and eternal judgment for the lost.
We believe in unity for all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ and seek community together: we want to become in every way, more like Him, who is the head of His body, the Church. We are called to love Him and one another and are enabled to do this only as His life flows through us.
We believe the Scriptures teach that marriage is the covenanting together of one man and one woman in a union to the exclusion of all others. This union is established by an authorised ceremony under God. Marriage is a unique reflection of God’s faithful love for all humankind. The relationship of husband and wife, as family, reflects the covenanting self-giving love between Christ and His Bride, the Church. The pledge of mutual faithfulness is not tentative or conditional. The permanent nature of the marriage bond gives security and promotes the development of a trusting relationship. The Church has a responsibility to care for, nurture and prayerfully support the marriage relationship and the children of the union.
We believe there is one God who lives forever in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Bible is God's Word to the world, speaking to us with authority and without error.
We believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ the Son, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His death for us on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the Father, and His personal, physical return to rule the earth in power and love.
We believe that all mankind is lost in sin and need to turn from it and trust personally in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. All need to be born anew by the Holy Spirit's power into God's family.
We believe the Holy Spirit lives in us as believers and brings love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control into our lives. He gives us spiritual gifts including speaking in tongues, prophesying, and healing among others.